Summer-ize your sled now!

If you are finished sledding for the season you need to summer-ize your snowmobile. This means prepping your sled to be dormant for a long period of time. If you do not do this, you are risking damage to your engine. There are many steps you can do but here are our top 3. 
Fogging the cylinders protects them from moisture corrosion. Old fuel will also gum up your lines so adding stabilizer will keep it from deteriorating over time.  The simple steps below will help you prep your sled for an easy start up next Fall.
Changing the Chaincase oil is a good one to keep your chain and gears cleanly lubricated.
Grease points! Find your grease zerks and lube them up. Again, this removes any moisture from the joints and prevents corrosion. 
Step1: Fogging the cylinders.
Start with pulling spark plugs and inserting a very small amount (2-3 drops) of 2 stroke oil into the cylinders through the spark plug holes. Reinstall spark plugs.
Step 2: Stabilize the fuel
Pick up some fuel stabilizer and put the appropriate amount into the mostly empty fuel tank. Now fully fill the tank with fresh fuel.
Step 3: Run the engine
Run the sled for about 2 min to ensure that the old fuel has burned off and the stable fuel is pulled in. This also insures the 2 stroke oil has fully coated the cylinder walls.
Step 4: Lift the tracks off the ground
For optimal storage cover the sled and try and get the track off the ground to extend its life.
Step 1: Stabilize the fuel
Pick up some fuel stabilizer and put the appropriate amount into the mostly empty fuel tank. Now fully fill the tank with fresh fuel.
Step 2: Engine storage mode
Refer to your owners manual for the Ski-doo process. Different models have different dash options that can determine the process.
Step 3: Lift the tracks off the ground
For optimal storage cover the sled and try and get the track off the ground to extend its life.
Arctic Cat:
Very similar to Polaris except DO NOT fog any 1100cc (because they are 4 stroke) motors. It is always best to refer back to your owner's manual if there is any doubt.
Same as Polaris.
For a complete rundown on summerizing your sled here are 2 great resources:

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