Mountain Straps FAQ

Must-have or Gimmick?

Pros often don't run MTN straps, but for the rest of us they are must-haves for 3 reasons:
1) Your sled is stuck and it needs to be flipped.
2) While stopping, your sled has almost tipped and you need to get it back on edge (not ideal, but sometimes necessary). 
3) You sled-ski or board and need to tandem with your buddy.
*MTN straps should not be used to sidehill. 

T Bar

  • The T Bar is our latest creation and part of our MTN Connect System.
  • It's ideal for tandeming as it fits 2 gloved hands perfectly and is also a great all-round strap for mountain sledding. 
  • This strap can only be used with our Knucks V2 and FTP risers with the addition of our MTN Strap Adapter V2 top caps.

Soft Mtn Strap

  • The Soft MTN strap is the ideal strap for serious sledders.
  • This strap can mount to any bar.
  • Its low profile keeps it out of the way. 
  • The strap's strength comes from webbing within a soft rubber tube, which makes it soft and malleable. This means the strap isn't a stiff object when you get tossed over your bars. 
  • There's just enough strap to grab in those sketchy situations.
  • Not ideal for tandeming as the low profile shape doesn't work well with 2 hands.

Rigid Mtn Strap

  • The Rigid MTN strap is ideal for tandeming and all-round mountain riding. 
  • This strap can mount to any bar.
  • Its rigid profile makes it great for 2 gloved hands to securely grab.

Get control of your sledding today!

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